Summer Maintenance

Summer Maintenance

Summer is a time of sun-soaked days and balmy evenings in Pensacola. As a tenant, it's essential to be proactive in maintaining your rental during this season. By following some simple tips and tricks, you can ensure a comfortable and enjoyable living space throughout the summer months. In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with valuable insights and practical advice on summer maintenance specific to Pensacola. Let's dive in!

1) Keep Your Home Cool and Energy Efficient:

a. Use Ceiling Fans: Optimize the use of ceiling fans to circulate air and create a cooling effect. Set them to rotate counterclockwise for maximum efficiency and turn them off when not in the room to save energy.

b. Adjust Thermostat Settings: Set your thermostat to a comfortable temperature and consider raising it a few degrees when you're away to conserve energy. During peak temps in the summer some homes may struggle to cool below 78 degrees – setting your thermostat lower will waste energy.

Protect Against Humidity and Mold:

a. Proper Ventilation: Use exhaust fans in kitchens and bathrooms to remove excess humidity. Open windows during cooler hours to let fresh air circulate. Humidity in homes can increase the “felt temperature” by several degrees. Taking showers and cooking with the oven during cooler hours can help reduce heat and humidity in the home.

b. Monitor Moisture Levels: Regularly check for signs of moisture or condensation. Ceiling stains or condensation inside the home can be evidence of moisture issues. Promptly report any leaks or water damage to your property management company.

c. Clean Air Conditioner Filters: Clean or replace air conditioner filters regularly to maintain optimal airflow and prevent mold growth.

Maintain Your Outdoor Space:

a. Watering Routine: Adjust your watering schedule to match the needs of your lawn and plants, ensuring they receive adequate moisture without overwatering. Watering during dryer weeks will keep plants and grass from burning up and limiting water during heavy rain weeks will save utility costs

b. Lawn Care: Mow your lawn regularly to keep it at a healthy length: 2”-3”; cutting to short can stress the grass and allow weeds to grow. Remove weeds and trim edges for a well-manicured appearance.

c. Patio and Deck Maintenance: Clean outdoor surfaces, such as patios and decks, regularly to remove dirt and prevent mold or mildew buildup. Report heavy build-up of mildew to your property manager. Keep debris and belongings to help with pests.

d. Pest Control: Stay vigilant about pest prevention by removing standing water – mosquitoes hatch exclusively in standing water. Cutting grass and bushes away from the house and using appropriate insect repellents will help keep pests out of the home.

Practice Fire Safety:

a. Grill Safety: If allowed in your rental property, follow proper grill safety measures. Position the grill away from structures and flammable materials. Never leave it unattended while in use. Keep a fire extinguisher close at hand and NEVER use water to put out a grease fire.

b. Smoke Detectors: Test smoke detectors regularly and replace batteries if needed. Inform your property management company promptly if any detectors are not functioning properly.

Preserve Energy Efficiency:

a. Use Natural Lighting: Take advantage of natural light during the day by opening curtains or blinds. Minimize the use of artificial lighting whenever possible.

b. Appliances: Using high-heat appliances during morning/night hours will help keep the home cooler and conserve energy. Opt for shorter wash cycles and avoid running the dishwasher or laundry machine with partial loads.

c. Unplug Unused Electronics: Unplug electronics and chargers when not in use to prevent unnecessary energy consumption.

Communicate with Your Property Management Company:

a. Maintenance Requests: Promptly report any maintenance issues or repairs needed to your property management company. Addressing them quickly can prevent further damage.


As a tenant in Pensacola, taking care of your rental property during the summer months is crucial for a comfortable and enjoyable living experience. By implementing these summer maintenance tips and tricks, you can preserve the condition of your home, conserve energy, and ensure a safe environment for yourself and your neighbors. Remember to communicate effectively with your property management company and promptly address any maintenance concerns that may arise. Enjoy the summer season to the fullest while maintaining a well-maintained and inviting living space in beautiful Pensacola!
